


The 'fox eye' beauty trend continues to spread online. But critics insist it's racist


  CNN style: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/fox-eye-trend-asian-cultural-appropriation-trnd/index.html



The fox eye beauty trend continues to spread online. But critics insist it's racist.

SNSなどオンライン上で fox-eye makeup (キツネ目メイク)と呼ばれるメイクが、インフルエンサーが火付け役となり、流行中。しかし、それがアジア人に対する差別だと非難の声が上がっている。という内容。


 このニュースに対する私自身の考えは、最後に述べることとして、fox eye のトレンドが批判の的になった理由の一つは、それがメイクアップだけのトレンドにとどまらず、指で目を吊り上げるようなしぐさが、アジア人の顔の特徴を他の人種の人たちがからかう時のようなジェスチャーを想起させるから、というもののよう。







① almond-shaped eyes : アーモンドアイ・アーモンド目 

On Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, people from all over the world have been posting videos and photos modeling the look -- using makeup and other tactics to emulate the lifted, so-called "almond-shaped" eyes of celebrities such as Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and Megan Fox.

ここでは似たような意味で fox eyes /slanted-eyes という表現も使われています。



英英辞典:Something that slants is sloping, rather than horizontal or vertical.


1. The fox-eye stalks me these days. The algorithmic TikTok, Youtube and Instagram do fine jobs in pushing make-up tutorials with Caucasian models pulling their eyes back to make them appear slanted. I am more than just annoyed.



2. The fox-eye trend, where one applies make-up, pulls on their face or undergoes plastic surgery so the eyes and brows appear to slant upwards, is unapologetic cultural appropriation. 


 3. Recently, digital content creator Emma Chamberlain posted a photo to Instagram where she used her hands to pull back and slant her eyes and stuck out her tongue in a gesture of sassy indifference.




 using one or two hands to pull the eyes up by the temples

・ the gesture of pulling up at the temples

 pulling on the corner of their eyes

pull at their eyes with their fingers

pull the eyes into the desired shape

 ちなみに、記事中で出てくる "temple" はこめかみのことなんですね。




英英辞典:An intention is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.

1.it wasn't her "intention" to pose in an "insensitive way" and that she was "so sorry to those who were hurt by it."


2.Yet, fans of other backgrounds defended her, arguing that the gesture belonged to a harmless make-up trend with no ill intent


ちなみに、「そいういうつもりじゃなかった。でももし傷つけてしまったならごめんなさい」というタイプの謝罪テンプレは世界共通の模様。so sorry to those who were hurt by it!




英英辞典:If someone appropriates something which does not belong to them, they take it, usually without the right to do so.



1."Yet in the 21st century, these Asian features have suddenly transformed into beauty trends for non-Asian people," she wrote, adding that the trend is an act of cultural appropriation.


2.She points to Hollywood's uncomfortable past in the appropriating the shape of Asian eyes.


 3.While it may not have originated from a place of ill-intent, it appropriates our eyes and is ignorant of past racism.


4.many Asians see it as an act of appropriation that ignores the racism and discrimination many have faced in Western countries and communities.

 cultural appropriationは、「文化の盗用」と訳されるようですね。

appropriateというと、"clothes appropriate for a job interview"(面接にふさわしい服装)といった形容詞の「適切な、適合した、妥当な」が頭に浮かびますが、動詞としても使えるようになれたら、さらに幅が広がりそうです。



英英辞典:Something that cements a relationship or agreement makes it stronger.

Mickey Rooney, the White actor playing the part of Holly Golightly's thickly-accented Japanese neighbor in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" cemented "the buck-toothed, slit-eyed Asian man look" in the popular imagination.



Fox eye・つり目メイクはレイシズムか。私の考え。

実はこの記事を読むまで、このような問題について深く考えたことはあまりありませんでした。最近も、人気女優のゾーイ・サルダナが、伝記映画で黒人歌手ニーナ・シモンを演じたことを"not black enogh"という理由で謝罪したというニュースがありました。

他にも同様のケースで謝罪をしたり、謝罪と共に「今後は別の人種を演じません」宣言をする俳優さんがいたり。正直そこまで神経質になる必要はあるのか? または、そもそも人々の心の奥に差別意識がなければ、このような問題を気にする必要はないのではないか?などとぼんやり考えていました。


Zoe Saldana Apologizes For Not Being Black Enough










when I first spotted the fox eye trend, I didn't think it was problematic. I simply saw it as a set of makeup techniques to enhance the eyes and to exaggerate an almond shape.

But it "morphed into something different," It became offensive when people started adding the gesture of pulling up at the temples. 

I believe Asians' eye shapes aren't just something to be casually adopted and then "given back" when the trend is over.Our eyes are something that we have to live with every day.

